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How to run an LLM on Acurast


In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of deploying and running an LLM on Acurast.

Acurast includes a module for running LLMs. Most models from Hugging Face in the GGUF format are supported.


If you prefer to jump right in, you can take a look at our example project:

You can either clone the repository, or set up a blank Acurast starter project by running npx @acurast/cli new <project-name>.


  • Basic knowledge of Node.js and the Command Line

Setting up the Project

Project Structure

The structure of a project looks exactly like a normal Node.js project:

├── dist
│ └── bundle.js
├── acurast.json
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── src
│ └── index.ts
├── .env
├── tsconfig.json
└── webpack.config.js

There is only one file that is specific to Acurast, which is acurast.json. This file is used to configure the deployment, and we will come back to it later in the tutorial.

Writing the code

First, let's start by creating a simple node.js project. You can find the code of the example, including all the build steps and configurations, on GitHub

The app will host a local LLM server and make it available over HTTP.

import path from "path";
import {
} from "./constants";
import { createWriteStream, existsSync } from "fs";
import { Readable } from "stream";
import { finished } from "stream/promises";
import localtunnel from "localtunnel";

declare let _STD_: any;

const MODEL_FILE = path.resolve(STORAGE_DIR, MODEL_NAME);
async function downloadModel(url: string, dst: string) {
console.log("Downloading model", MODEL_NAME);
const res = await fetch(url);

if (!res.body) {
throw new Error("No response body");

console.log("Writing model to file:", dst);
const writer = createWriteStream(dst);
await finished(Readable.fromWeb(res.body as any).pipe(writer));
async function main() {
if (!existsSync(MODEL_FILE)) {
await downloadModel(MODEL_URL, MODEL_FILE);
} else {
console.log("Using already downloaded model:", MODEL_FILE);
console.log("model downloaded");

["--model", MODEL_FILE, "--ctx-size", "2048", "--threads", "8"],
() => {
// onCompletion
console.log("Llama server closed.");
(error: any) => {
// onError
console.log("Llama server error:", error);
throw error;
const tunnel = await localtunnel({
port: 8080,
subdomain: _STD_.device.getAddress().toLowerCase(),



In this code, we first download a model from Hugging Face, then start the integrated LLM server and load it. Finally, we use localtunnel to make the server publicly available.


The API is compatible with the OpenAI-like API endpoints

We need to set the LOCALTUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN variable to specifiy where our server will be available. If we set it to llm, then the URL will be


This localtunnel server is not secure and should not be used in production. We are working on making this secure by default, but if you need a secure way to host your project now, please reach out to us.

Building the project

To deploy a project to the Acurast Cloud, it needs to be bundled into a single js file. In our example, we use webpack. You can find the configuration in the example project on GitHub

Running npm run bundle will then output a single js file which includes all necessary dependencies.

The file is located in dist/bundle.js. It includes your code, as well as all the dependencies in a single file.

This is the file that will be deployed to the Acurast Cloud.

Setting up the Acurast CLI

Now that our app is ready, we need to set up the Acurast CLI. The CLI is a tool that allows you to deploy and manage your applications on the Acurast Cloud.


Let's install the Acurast CLI globally using npm:

npm install -g @acurast/cli

To verify that the installation worked, you can run acurast in the terminal and it will show you the help page:

tutorial % acurast
_ _ ____ _ ___
/ \ ___ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___| |_ / ___| | |_ _|
/ _ \ / __| | | | '__/ _` / __| __| | | | | | |
/ ___ \ (__| |_| | | | (_| \__ \ |_ | |___| |___ | |
/_/ \_\___|\__,_|_| \__,_|___/\__| \____|_____|___|

Usage: acurast [options] [command]

A cli to interact with the Acurast Network.

-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command

deploy [options] [project] Deploy the current project to the Acurast platform.
init Create an acurast.json and .env file
live [options] [project] Run the code in a live code environment on a remote processor
open Open Acurast websites in your browser
help [command] display help for command

Adding Acurast Config to the Project

The next step is to add the Acurast Config to our project. To do that, run the following command:

acurast init

This will start an interactive guide, which will create an .env file.

If you checked out the sample project, the acurast.json already exists, so this step will be skipped. You can open the acurast.json file and change the configuration there. In the CLI Docs you will find more information about the possible configurations.

Getting ready for Deployment

To deploy our application, we still need to do one thing. Getting some tokens from the faucet.

[!TIP] You can import the mnemonic that was generated and stored in the .env file and import it in Talisman (Browser Extension) to access the same account in the Web Console.

Let's get some tokens on your new account. You can run the acurast deploy command, which will check your balance, and displays the link to the Faucet page.

tutorial % acurast deploy --dry-run

Deploying project "app-llm"

Your balance is 0. Visit to get some tokens.

Visit the link displayed in the CLI and follow the instructions to get some tokens. They should be available in a few seconds.

That's it! You're now ready to deploy your app.

Deploying the Application

To deploy your application, run acurast deploy:

tutorial % acurast deploy

Deploying project "tutorial"

The CLI will use the following address: 5GNimXAQhayQq8m8SxJt3xQmG2L3pGzeTkHopx9iPnrS6uHP

The deployment will be scheduled to start in 5 minutes 0 seconds.

There will be 1 executions with a cost of 0.001 cACU each.

❯ Deploying project (first execution scheduled in 246s)
✔ Submitted to Acurast (ipfs://...)
✔ Deployment registered (DeploymentID: ...)
⠇ Waiting for deployment to be matched with processors
◼ Waiting for processor acknowledgements

Congratulations, your deployment is now being registered in the network and executed soon! Check the CLI for more information about the deployment process.

Verifying the Deployment

If you followed this tutorial, then your app will be available at https://<your-subdomain> ("\<your-subdomain>" is the value you set for LOCALTUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN in the code).

Success! You've successfully deployed your first application on Acurast!


Congratulations! You've successfully deployed your first application on Acurast! For more advanced features and detailed documentation, refer to Acurast CLI Documentation. Also make sure to join our Telegram or Discord to be part of our community!

More Examples

For more inspiration, check out the Acurast Examples with examples showing various features: