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Deployment Runtime Environment

The deployment's script running on Processors has access to the following a set of APIs.

Top level functions

* Prints the given message to the console.
* @param {string} message the message to print.
function print(message);

* Performs an HTTP GET request.
* @param {string} url the url to connect to.
* @param {Record<string, string>} headers the request's headers, for example: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }.
* @param {HttpSuccess} success the success callback function.
* @param {HttpError} error the error callback function.
function httpGET(url, headers, success, error);

* Performs an HTTP GET request.
* @param {string} url the url to connect to.
* @param {string} body a string representing the request's body.
* @param {Record<string, string>} headers the request's headers, for example: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }.
* @param {HttpSuccess} success the success callback function.
* @param {HttpError} error the error callback function.
function httpPOST(url, body, headers, success, error);

* @callback HttpSuccess
* @param {string} payload the http request response payload as text.
* @param {string} certificate a hex string representing the server certificate.
type HttpSuccess = (payload, certificate) => void;

* @callback HttpError
* @param {string} message an error message.
type HttpError = (message) => void;

* Reads value from the environment.
* @param {string} key The key used to get the value from the environment.
* @return {string} The string value for the given key or undefined.
function environment(key);

The _STD_ object

At the top level, a _STD_ object is defined. This object exposes additional functionalities.


* Generates random bytes.
* @return {string} Hex string representing random bytes.

Environment Variables

* Environment object populated with the environment variables defined during deployment creation.
* For example, to access a variable defined with the "MY_KEY" key do: _STD_.env["MY_KEY"].

App Info

* The processor app version as a string.
* Example: "1.9.2-canary"

Deployment Info

* @return {DeploymentId} Object representing a deployment id.
* Example:
* {
* origin: {
* kind: "Acurast",
* source: "2273f64ccf6e9dc13aedf111ca19da030909374f18c6a958b8e5c64927dc7b4f"
* },
* id: "3510"
* }

type DeploymentId = { origin: { kind: string, source: string }, id: string };

* @return {number} The slot number of this deployment.

* @return {PublicKeys} Object containing the deployment specific public keys.
* Example:
* {
* p256: "03aa8fa2bfe5a5d6789637c3b82b322b617f8c19e29a4b7d3eede17a2583312891",
* secp256k1: "02fcf1a928bab608989a0218831efd585d1e771669756e1033c60cff4bef6f28e5",
* ed25519: "7ce9f9b96a0f898ad109a594ab2c30a1682e7e6425910427c9390fdf16b11dd6"
* }

type PublicKeys = { p256: string, secp256k1: string, ed25519: string };

Device Info

* Get the main account public key.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @return {string} Hex string representing the main account public key.

* Get the main account address.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @return {string} String representing the main account address.


* Signs the given payload with the secp256r1 key generated for the current deployment.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} payload Hex string representing the bytes to sign.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature.

* Encrypts the given payload with the secp256r1 key generated for the current deployment.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} publicKey Hex string representing the receiver's public key.
* @param {string} salt Hex string representing the salt used for encryption.
* @param {string} payload Hex string representing the bytes to encrypt.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the encrypted payload.
_STD_.signers.secp256r1.encrypt(publicKey, salt, payload);

* Decrypts the given payload with the secp256r1 key generated for the current deployment.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} publicKey Hex string representing the sender's public key.
* @param {string} salt Hex string representing the salt used for encryption.
* @param {string} payload Hex string representing the bytes to decrypt.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the decrypted payload.
_STD_.signers.secp256r1.decrypt(publicKey, salt, payload);

* Signs the given payload with the secp256k1 key generated for the current deployment.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} payload Hex string representing the bytes to sign.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature.

* Encrypts the given payload with the secp256k1 key generated for the current deployment.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} publicKey Hex string representing the receiver's public key.
* @param {string} salt Hex string representing the salt used for encryption.
* @param {string} payload Hex string representing the bytes to encrypt.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the encrypted payload.
_STD_.signers.secp256k1.encrypt(publicKey, salt, payload);

* Decrypts the given payload with the secp256k1 key generated for the current deployment.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} publicKey Hex string representing the sender's public key.
* @param {string} salt Hex string representing the salt used for encryption.
* @param {string} payload Hex string representing the bytes to decrypt.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the decrypted payload.
_STD_.signers.secp256k1.decrypt(publicKey, salt, payload);

* Signs the given payload with the ed25519 key generated for the current deployment.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} payload Hex string representing the bytes to sign.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature.


* @param {string | string[]} url to the acurast websocket service.
* @param {WsSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {WsError} error the error callback.
*/, success, error);

* @param {WsSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {WsError} error the error callback.
*/, error);

* @param {WsHandler} handler the handler called on every incoming message.

* @param {string} recipient the public key in hex format of the recipient.
* @param {string} payload the payload to send as a hex string.
* @param {WsSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {WsError} error the error callback.
*/, payload, success, error);

* @callback WsSuccess
type WsSuccess = () => void;

* @callback WsError
* @param {string} message an error message.
type WsError = (message) => void;

* @callback WsHandler
* @param {WsPayload} payload the payload message.
type WsHandler = (payload) => void;

type WsPayload = { sender: string, recipient: string, payload: string };


* @param {P2PConfig} config the node configuration.
* @param {P2PSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {P2PError} error the error callback.
_STD_.p2p.start(config, success, error);

* @param {P2PSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {P2PError} error the error callback.
_STD_.p2p.close(success, error);

* @param {P2PMessageListener} listener the listener called on each incoming message.

* @param {P2PPeer} receiver the peer who should receive the message.
* @param {string} protocol the ID of the message protocol that should be used to transmit the message.
* @param {string} bytes the payload to send as a hex string.
* @param {P2PSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {P2PError} error the error callback.
_STD_.p2p.request(receiver, protocol, bytes, success, error);

* @param {P2PMessage} request the request to which this message responds.
* @param {string} bytes the payload to send as a hex string.
* @param {P2PSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {P2PError} error the error callback.
_STD_.p2p.respond(request, bytes, success, error);

* @param {string} peer the address or peer ID of the target peer to establish a connection with.
* @param {P2PSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {P2PError} error the error callback.
_STD_.p2p.connect(peer, success, error);

* @param {string} peer the address or peer ID of the target peer whose connection should be terminated.
* @param {P2PSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {P2PError} error the error callback.
_STD_.p2p.disconnect(peer, success, error);

* @param {string} peer the address or peer ID of the target peer to which the stream will be opened.
* @param {string} protocol the protocol to be used for the stream.
* @param {P2PStreamSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {P2PError} error the error callback.
_STD_.p2p.openOutgoingStream(peer, protocol, success, error);

* @param {P2PStreamListener} listener the listener called on each incoming stream.

* @property {string[]} messageProtcols message protocols the node will support and use to send and receive messages.
* @property {string[]} relays a list of public nodes that will serve as a proxy helping establish connections with nodes behind NATs and firewalls.
* @property {number?} idleConnectionTimeout time in milliseconds after which idle connections will be closed, defaults to 15s if not provided.
type P2PConfig = {
messageProtocols: string[]
relays: string[]
idleConnectionTimeout?: number

* @callback P2PSuccess
type P2PSuccess = () => void;

* @callback P2PStreamSuccess
* @param {P2PStream} stream
type P2PStreamSuccess = (stream) => void;

* @callback P2PError
* @param {string} message an error message.
type P2PError = (message) => void;

* @callback P2PMessageListener
* @param {P2PMessage} message
type P2PMessageListener = (payload) => void;

* @callback P2PStreamListener
* @param {P2PStream} stream
type P2PStreamListener = (stream) => void;

* @property {P2PMessageType} type the type of the message.
* @property {string} id internal id,
* @property {P2Peer} sender the sender of the message.
* @property {string} protocol the message protocol that was used to transmit this message.
* @property {string} bytes the payload represented as a hex string.
type P2PMessage = {
type: P2PMessageType
id: string
sender: P2PPeer
protocol: string
bytes: string

type P2PMessageType = 'request' | 'response';

type P2PPeer = { type: P2PPeerType, value: string };
type P2PPeerType = 'address' | 'peerId';

* @property {string} protocol
* @property {P2PPeer} peer
* @function read reads n bytes from the stream.
* @function write writes bytes to the stream.
* @function close closes the stream.
type P2PStream = {
protocol: string
peer: P2PPeer
read: P2PStreamRead
write: P2PStreamWrite
close: P2PStreamClose

* @function P2PStreamRead
* @param {number} n the number of bytes to read from the stream.
* @return {Promise<Buffer>} a promise that resolves with bytes read.
type P2PStreamRead = (n) => Promise<Buffer>;

* @function P2PStreamWrite
* @param {Uint8Array | string} bytes the data to be written to the stream, provided as a `Uint8Array` or hex string.
type P2PStreamWrite = (bytes) => Promise<void>;

* @function P2PStreamClose
type P2PStreamClose = () => Promise<void>;

Substrate functions

* Calls the `fulfill` extrinsic on the target substrate chain.
* @param {string | string[]} nodes the node URL or array of node URLs.
* @param {string} payload the string representation of the fulfill payload.
* @param {object} extra an object with extra arguments. It needs to provide a `callIndex` which is the hex representation of the `fulfill` extrinsic's call index on the target substrate chain.
* @param {SubstrateSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {SubstrateError} error the error callback.
_STD_.chains.substrate.fulfill(nodes, payload, extra, success, error);

* @callback SubstrateSuccess
* @param {string} operationHash the operation hash of the submitted extrinsic.
type SubstrateSuccess = (operationHash) => void;

* @callback SubstrateError
* @param {string[]} message an error message.
type SubstrateError = (message) => void;

Substrate signer functions

* Sets the curve type to use when signing.
* @param {'SECP256K1' | 'SECP256R1'} curveType

* Signs a payload.
* @since 1.9.2 (version code 58)
* @param {string} payload Hex string to sign.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature.

Substrate codec functions

* Hashes the given string using blake2b 256 bit.
* @param {string} value
* @return {string} The blake2b hash of the input value.

* Encodes a number to the SCALE encoding.
* @param {number | string} value the number to encode.
* @param {8 | 32 | 64 | 128} bitSize the number's bit size.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the SCALE encoded number.
_STD_.chains.substrate.codec.encodeUnsignedNumber(value, bitSize);

* Encodes a number to the compact SCALE encoding.
* @param {number | string} value the number to encode.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the compact SCALE encoded number.

* Encodes bytes to SCALE encoding.
* @param {string | ArrayBuffer} value hex string or an ArrayBuffer representing the bytes to encode.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the SCALE encoded bytes.

* Encodes a boolean value to SCALE encoding.
* @param {boolean} value the boolean value to encode.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the SCALE encoded boolean.

* Encodes a substrate address to SCALE encoding.
* @param value the address to encode.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the SCALE encoded address.

* Encodes a substrate address to a `MultiAddress` SCALE encoded vale.
* @param value the address to encode.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the SCALE encoded multi address.
_STD_.chains.substrate.codec.encodeMultiAddress(value: string);

Substrate contract functions

* Calls the `fulfill` extrinsic on a contract deployed on a chain integrating the substrate contract pallet (`pallet-contract`).
* @param {string | stirng[]} nodes the node URL or array of node URLs.
* @param {string} callIndex an hex string representing the call index of the `call` extrinsic of `pallet-contract`.
* @param {string} destination the contract address.
* @param {string} data the contract call arguments as an hex string.
* @param {object} extra objet containing additional arguments, it has to at least provide `refTime` and `proofSize` as string values. Additionally it can provide a `value` as a string representing the amount to transfer with the contract call, `method` as a string representing the method name to use instead of `fulfill` and `storageDepositLimit` as a string value. Example: `{ refTime: "3951114240", proofSize: "629760" }`.
* @param {SubstrateSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {SubstrateError} error the error callback.

* Calls the `fulfill` extrinsic on a contract deployed on a chain integrating the substrate contract pallet (`pallet-contract`).
* @param {string | stirng[]} nodes the node URL or array of node URLs.
* @param {string} method a string representing the method name to call on the destination contract.
* @param {string} destination the contract address.
* @param {string} data the contract call arguments as an hex string.
* @param {object} extra objet containing additional arguments. It can provide a `blockNumber` as a string to sepcify at what lever to read from and `storageDepositLimit` as a string value.
* @param {SubstrateSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {SubstrateError} error the error callback.

Substrate Gear functions

* Sends a message to an active Gear program extrinsic on a chain integrating the Gear protocol.
* @param {string | stirng[]} nodes the node URL or array of node URLs.
* @param {string} callIndex an hex string representing the call index of the `gear.sendMessage` extrinsic.
* @param {string} destination the active program address.
* @param {string} data an hex string encoding the method and arguments to call on the program.
* @param {object} extra objet containing additional arguments, it has to provide `gasLimit` as a string, `value` as a string and `keepAlive` as a boolean. Example: `{ gasLimit: "2000000000", value: "0", keepAlive: true }`.
* @param {SubstrateSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {SubstrateError} error the error callback.

Tezos functions

* Calls the `fulfill` entrypoint on the Tezos Acurast Proxy contract.
* @param {string | string[]} nodes the node URL or array of node URLs.
* @param {any} payload the second argument for the `fulfill` entrypoint call on the Acurast Proxy contract. It represents a Michelson value that will be packed to bytes.
* @param {object} extra object with extra arguments, it has to at least provide the values for the `fee`, `gasLimit` and `storageLimit` as numbers. Additionally it can provide an `entrypoint` as a string to use instead of `fulfill`. Example: `{ fee: 1500, gasLimit: 3000, storageLimit: 0 }`.
* @param {TezosSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {TezosError} error the error callback.
_STD_.chains.tezos.fulfill(nodes, payload, extra, success, error);

* Calls a custom entrypoint on a Tezos contract.
* @param {string | string[]} nodes the node URL or array of node URLs.
* @param {any} payload a Michelson value representing the arguments of the entrypoint being called.
* @param {object} extra object with extra arguments, it has to at least provide the values for the `fee`, `gasLimit` and `storageLimit` as numbers. Additionally it can provide an `entrypoint` as a string to use instead of `fulfill` and `destination` as a string for the contract address to use instead of the default Acurast Proxy contract. Example: `{ fee: 1500, gasLimit: 3000, storageLimit: 0 }`.
* @param {TezosSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {TezosError} error the error callback.
_STD_.chains.tezos.customCall(nodes, payload, extra, success, error);

* @callback TezosSuccess
* @param {string} operationHash the operation hash of the submitted operation.
type TezosSuccess = (operationHash) => void;

* @callback TezosError
* @param {string[]} message an error message.
type TezosError = (message) => void;

Tezos encoding functions

* Packs the given micheline structure.
* @param value an object representing a micheline structure.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the packed value.

* Encodes the given micheline structure into a hex value that can be used as key for big map values.
* @param {object} value an object representing a micheline structure.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the script hash encoded value.

Tezos message signing

* Signs the given message and returns the signature.
* Before signing, the message is prepended with the utf8 bytes of the
* string 'acusig' and the script's ipfs hash ('acusig' + SCRIPT_HASH + message),
* then the resulting bytes are hashed with blake2b256.
* @param {string} message an hex string representing the bytes to sign
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature

Ethereum functions

* Calls `fulfill` on a ethereum contract.
* The `extra` argument is an object that can provide the following:
* - `methodSignature`: an optional string representing the method signature, if not provided `fulfill(bytes)` is used.
* - `gasLimit`: a string representing the transaction's gas limit, if not provided '9000000' is used.
* - `maxPriorityFeePerGas`: a string representing the transaction's maxPriorityFeePerGas, if not provided '0' is used.
* - `maxFeePerGas`: a string representing the transaction's maxFeePerGas, if not provided '0'.
* @param {string} url the node URL.
* @param {string} destination the contract's address.
* @param {string} payload a hex string representing the arguments for the method call.
* @param {object} extra object with extra arguments.
* @param {EthereumSuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {EthereumError} error the success callback.
_STD_.chains.ethereum.fulfill(url, destination, payload, extra, success, error);

* @callback EthereumSuccess
* @param {string} operationHash the operation hash of the submitted operation.
type EthereumSuccess = (operationHash) => void;

* @callback EthereumError
* @param {string[]} message an error message.
type EthereumError = (message) => void;

* @return {string} The processor's ethereum address for the current deployment.

Ethereum message signing

* Signs the given message and returns the signature.
* Before signing, the message is prepended with the utf8 bytes of the
* string 'acusig' and the script's ipfs hash ('acusig' + SCRIPT_HASH + message),
* then the resulting bytes are hashed with Keccak256.
* @param {string} message an hex string representing the bytes to sign
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature

Ethereum ABI functions

* Encodes the given value.
* @param {any} value A string, number or an array/object containing strings and numbers.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the encoded value.

* Encodes a numeric value.
* @param {number|string} value A number or a hex string representing a big integer.
* @param {number} bitLength A number specifying the bit length.
* @param {boolean} isNatural A boolean indicating if it is a natural number.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the encoded value.
_STD_.chains.ethereum.abi.encodeNumeric(value, bitLength, isNatural);

* Encodes an objects as a structure.
* @param {any} value A string, number or an array/object containing strings and numbers.
* @param {boolean} isDynamic A boolean indicating if it is a dynamic strucure.
* @return {string} Hex string representing the encoded value.
_STD_.chains.ethereum.abi.encodeStruct(value, isDynamic);

Bitcoin functions

* Returns the public key for the bitcoin chain.
* @since 1.5.0 (version code 28)
* @return {string} Hex string representing the public key

* Returns an extended public key for the given derivation path.
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} version an hex string representing the bytes that will be prepended to the extended public key bytes before the base58check encoding
* @param {string} derivationPath the derivation path to use. Currently, the only valid value is "m/0/1".
* @return {string} String representing the extended public key
_STD_.chains.bitcoin.getExtendedPublicKey(version, derivationPath);

Bitcoin message signing

* Signs the given message and returns the signature.
* Before signing, the message is prepended with the utf8 bytes of the
* string 'acusig' and the script's ipfs hash ('acusig' + SCRIPT_HASH + message).
* @since 1.4.0 (version code 26)
* @param {string} message an hex string representing the bytes to sign
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature

* Signs the given message and returns the signature.
* @since 1.4.0 (version code 26)
* @param {string} message an hex string representing the bytes to sign
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature

* Hashes the given value using SHA256.
* @since 1.4.0 (version code 26)
* @param {string} value an hex string representing the bytes to hash
* @return {string} Hex string representing the sha256 hash

* Signs the given message with a key derived with the given derivation path and returns the signature.
* Before signing, the message is prepended with the utf8 bytes of the
* string 'acusig' and the script's ipfs hash ('acusig' + SCRIPT_HASH + message).
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} message an hex string representing the bytes to sign
* @param {string} derivationPath the derivation path to use. Currently, the only valid value is "m/0/1"
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature
_STD_.chains.bitcoin.signer.signHD(message, derivationPath);

* Signs the given message with a key derived with the given derivation path and returns the signature.
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} message an hex string representing the bytes to sign
* @param {string} derivationPath the derivation path to use. Currently, the only valid value is "m/0/1"
* @return {string} Hex string representing the signature
_STD_.chains.bitcoin.signer.rawSignHD(message, derivationPath);

Bitcoin utils functions

* Derives the given extended public key.
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} xpub a string representing the extended public key to derive
* @param {string} derivationPath the derivation path to use
* @return {string} Hex string representing the derivced public key
_STD_.chains.bitcoin.utils.derivePublicKey(xpub, derivationPath);

* Encodes the given bytes using base58check.
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} value an hex string representing the bytes to encode
* @return {string} The base58check encoded value

* Encodes the given bytes using base58.
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} value an hex string representing the bytes to encode
* @return {string} The base58 encoded value

* Decodes the given base58check value.
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} value a string representing the base58check value to decode
* @return {string} Hex string representing the decoded value

* Decodes the given base58 value.
* @since 1.7.0 (version code 38)
* @param {string} value a string representing the base58 value to decode
* @return {string} Hex string representing the decoded value

Aeternity functions

* Calls `fulfill` on an aeternity contract.
* The `extra` argument is an object that can provide the following:
* - `functionName`: an optional string representing the method name, if not provided `fulfill` is used.
* - `gasLimit`: a string representing the transaction's gas limit, if not provided '25000' is used.
* - `gasPrice`: a string representing the transaction's gas price, if not provided '1000000000' is used.
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {string} url the node URL.
* @param {string} destination the contract's address.
* @param {[object]} payload an array of encoded values. The objects inside this array need to be constructed using the functions found under ``.
* @param {object} extra object with extra arguments.
* @param {AeternitySuccess} success the success callback.
* @param {AeternityError} error the success callback.

* Returns the Aeternity address.
* @since 1.3.34 (version code 19)
* @return {string} The Aeternity address

* @callback EthereumSuccess
* @param {string} operationHash the operation hash of the submitted operation.
type AeternitySuccess = (operationHash) => void;

* @callback EthereumError
* @param {string[]} message an error message.
type AeternityError = (message) => void;

Aeternity data encoding functions

* Returns an object representing an integer that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {number | string} value a value representing an integer.
* @return {object} an object representing an integer that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.

* Returns an object representing a string that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {string} value a string value.
* @return {object} an object representing a string that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.

* Returns an object representing bytes that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {string} value an hex string representing the bytes.
* @return {object} an object representing bytes that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.

* Returns an object representing a list of objects that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {object[]} values an array of objects that were created using the functions found under ``.
* @return {object} an object representing a list of objects that can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call

* Returns an object representing a tuple can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {object[]} values an array of objects that were created using the functions found under ``.
* @return {object} an object representing a tuple can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.

* Returns an object representing a map can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.
* The input value is an array of arrays of objects. The items need to be an array of size 2,
* where the first element represents a map key and the second element represents its value:
* ["key1"),"value1")],
* ["key2"),"value2")]
* ]);
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {object[][]} values an array of arrays of objects that were created using the functions found under ``.
* @return {object} an object representing a map can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.

* Returns an object representing an account pubkey can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.
* @since 1.3.32
* @param {string} value a string representing an account pubkey .
* @return {object} an object representing an account pubkey can be used as payload in the `fulfill` call.